Detecção da origem das matérias graxas presentes em requeijões e similares encontrados no mercado / Detection of the origin of the fat ingredients in Brazilian soft cheeses (requeijões) and similar products from the local market




The objective of this study was to validate the application of the isotopic methodology of identification of glycerol origin in the fat fraction of "requeijões" (Brazilian soft cheeses) and similar products aiming at the identification of a quality control instrument for market fiscalization and fraud detection. In order to pursue the specific objectives of this study, the glycerol was isolated from spreadable dairy products such as "requeijões" and others. Cow s milk and vegetable oils of known origins were adopted as standards. The isotopic methodology was applied to identify the origin of the carbon present in the glycerol molecule of the fats present in those foods. Glycerol was isolated according to a conventional based on centrifugation. Twenty-eight commercial brands of "requeijões" available in the supermarkets of Piracicaba city were classified according to the information provided in the lables and analyzed. Out of the total, 5 brands were significantly different (p<0,05) when compared to the control (animal pattern - milk), indicating absence of the milk fat in the formulation. The isotopic methodology allowed to identify the origin of the analyzed material and to detect alterations in the patterns. The effectiveness of the isotopic methodology in the identification of origin of the lipid constituents of "requeijão" was proven as well as the applicability of the technique in dairy industry quality control, both in the final product as well as in process supplies.


food analysis laticínios – controle de qualidade requeijão – controle de qualidade stable isotopes glycerol dairy products – quality control análise de alimentos glicerol isótopos estáveis "requeijão" (brazilian soft cheese) – quality control Óleos e gorduras vegetais comestíveis oils and vegetable fats eatable

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