Desvendando o mangà nacional: reproduÃÃo ou hibridizaÃÃo? Uma Abordagem SociolÃgica Sobre o FenÃmeno das HistÃrias em Quadrinhos Japonesas no Brasil




This work aims to discuss the recent productions of national comics that identify itself as National MangÃ, concentrating its ponderation concerning in an independent production of comic of biggest publishing success until then: the comic Holy Avenger. We develop our question in the attempt to identify if this production would be a reproduction of the japonese product in Brazil, on the basis of the success of mangÃs Japanese in ocident or fruit of a phenomenon of cultural hibridization where the contemporary societies are inserted, in the context of the global culture. Through a semiological analyzis concerning the onomatopoeia and the used timing sequences in the magazine, among other components, we look for to identify which elements would be deriving of Japanese mangÃs and which would happen from a national aesthetic


sociologia identidade histÃrias em quadrinhos mangà hibridismo comics identity mangà hybridism

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