Desenvolvimento e sistematização de modelo de análise de tarefas industriais para inclusão de portadores de necessidades especiais no trabalho.




The work carries out development and systematization of a job position task analysis model, occupied by special needs employees that studies the firm needs and the operations needed from the worker to perform his task. Objectives to serve as a parameter to companies action to put into practice inclusive hire policies as well as facilitate the comply of the law of quota and inclusion of Special Needs Persons on the job market, and contribute to the debate and literature on social inclusion. On the discussion of specialized literature, are presented reflections on the work as the representation of the man as social being and the process of inclusion of Special Needs Persons on the job market. The work shows the application, results and discussion of the model on an aeronautic company.


deficientes físicos inclusion deficientes - trabalho special needs persons ergonomia work ergonomia disability inclusão ergonomics

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