Desafios e possibilidades da interdisciplinaridade no ensino médio




This case study examines interdisciplinary work developed by a group of teachers of three areas of knowledge and involving twelve different disciplines, in a public high school in the Federal District, Brasília, Brazilian capital. Adopting a qualitative approach as a means to study and to describe how interdisciplinary activities actually take place, the research uses questionaries, participant observation, individual interviews, focus groups and documents analysis. At first the teachers see interdisciplinary activities as integration among disciplines, but not among themselves as professionals. As the interdisciplinary actions make progress, they realize the importance of dialogue among teachers of various disciplines and areas of knowledge, so that integrated activities can be developed. The research shows that interdisciplinary activities take place at first because of curriculum requirements, and due to the influence exerted by external examinations such as entrance exams in Universities, which take for granted that students have interdisciplinary training. Interdisciplinary activities gain more strength in the school once their first positive results are obtained. The analysis made shows that any interdisciplinary subject must be actually wide enough to be worked in various disciplines and such a work needs an active cooperation and interaction among teachers in order to attain full success. The cooperation among teachers enhances their pedagogical possibilities. Among the challenges to be faced are the attachment of some teachers to their individual work; the lack of pedagogical materials adapted to interdisciplinary work, and the difficulty of some teachers to perceive connections among disciplines. Advantages associated to the transition from an individual and isolated work towards a collective and solidary work include knowing how to be, knowing how to know, and knowing how to do, in an interdisciplinary way. These three factors make the teachers cultural and pedagogical views get wider. The research shows that the courage to renew, the desire to cooperate, leadership and enthusiasm are essential tools in the development of interdisciplinary activities. The school must also define and adopt a pedagogical project which gives priority to interdisciplinary activities, in all its sections.


interdisciplinaridade professores-ação high school professores-pensamento interdisciplinary activities ensino médio teachers thought and action educacao

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