Democracia fiscal e seus fundamentos à luz do direito &economia / Tax equality: law and economics view


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




Any society must decide how the common expenses will be shared and this has happened for thousands of years. From elements of the own movement of Law and Economics, this thesis formulates a scientific proposition about this theme. Its the fiscal democracy. Starting from the basic assumption that the Law and the Economics influence each other in a dynamic of constant and no-ending stimulus and reciprocal feedbacks, this prevents the observation of the prevalence of one of these social phenomena over the other. On the fiscal democracy, there are three substances that interact like a system of checks and balances so that one influence and be influenced by the others in a likewise balance. They are: material freedom, equality of sacrifices and the non-inhibition, by the State, of the economic activity. The material freedom is about the respect to the basic rights of property (in ample sense) and free initiative, whose exercise allows to the individual decide how to better satisfy their needs and desires, not submitting themselves, wherefore, to the wills of the State and charity. The equality of sacrifices reveals itself in the needing that the loss of welfare due to the tax payment to be equally shared amongst all citizens thats obtained by applying the principles of contributive capacity, progressivity and personality in order that the origin of tax, the maximum possible, is that from the direct taxes paid by the natural persons (over the income, property and goods trades in general). Its that the indirect taxes, besides those paid by companies, usually give an indirect regressive quality to the Tax System. The non-inhibition of the economic activity allows the increase of the tax payment, once the taxes, in general, occur over economics facts and acts. This way, with more resources, State can better attain to the constitutional missions. Therefore, taxing cannot be in a way to create market distortions or, worse, stimulate that the contributors abandon the legal system and start working, always when possible, on the informality, because, in those cases, the Public Treasure is the one aggrieved.


atividade econômica democracia democracy desenvolvimento econômico direct taxes direito econômico direito tributário economic freedom economic growth economics equality impostos indirect taxes law law &economics relations between law and economics respect to property science concept tax equality and democracy

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