Das lamentações à realização dos sonhos?: educação ambiental e mudanças sociais / From the lamentation to a realization of dreams: environmental education on social changes




The present study is based on available the results of the environrnental education project implemented by Ecoar Institute and Crescer Institute, both, no governamental organization. This is a project financed by Petrobras and development in the tows, where exigi a duct of the company above mentioned. Our goal was to check the possible changes of knowledge, the attitude and practice of the confort the inhabitant s risc on everyday of Clara town, one target town of the project that is situated on Ademar city in São Paulo State. Also we searched to know the process of implantation and its difficults as wel as to identify the line of environrnental education adopted by the project and its contribuitin to be the citizen. We consider that the avaliation is an important instmment from acompaniment of social policy teh programs and the projects. We made use as metology the realization of the bibliography search and documental, half structure of interview with three techinical who improve the project and focal groups envelopping fifteen in habitant of Clara town on study. We ascertainrnented that principals changes ocurred on teh population s life retumed, particular1y, the enlargement of knowledge about the duct and rule ofsecurity. As for amplification of new practices, we view that they restricted to be careful with the duct. We checked yet that the conception of the environrnental education adopted on the project contributed for a superation of the goals imposted by financial company. On this sense there isn t a practive of environrnental education while public politcs. These actions just as many others in the area executed by organization as governamental as not. So they are measure palliatives and compensatory who don t bring the necessary changes to reduce or to eliminate the environmental degradation


risc educacao ambiental politica publica risco environrnental public politcs avaliation environrnental education servico social avaliação meio ambiente

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