DÃficit relativo de saneamento bÃsico dos municÃpios brasileiros




This study estimates the relative deficit of water and sewage services of Brazilianâs municipalities, whose are expressed by the relative service availability. The deficit of these services is calculated using the Data Envelopment Analysis â DEA, which permits to line the efficient frontier of the water and sewage services. The municipalities that are localizated under the frontier need to invest more than the municipalities on the frontier, to increase the services availability. This frontier refleets the equity and could be used to orient the water and sewage services public politics. The estimate relative deficit is no about the water and sewage indicators coverage individualities. Itâs about the both indicators â water and sewage together â and the converse of the municipalitiesâs income. Itâs a deficit indicator who envolve more than a dimension of the basic population necessities and we can named like a synthetic indicador. It is available, in average, 4.500 municipalities were analyzed in the 2000, 2001 and 2002 years. The frontier of those services that is founded, reflect the regional inequalities of the country showing that the greatest relative deficit, considerate here as the lower levels of availability that the population has for those services, itâs concentrated at the Norwest Region. Lining the best relative service availability frontier for water and sewage, the results that were found can orient public politics focused in a equality way, making the municipals above the frontier priories.


data envelopment analysis â dea economia dos programas de bem-estar social equity of access relative deficit of services eqÃidade de acesso dÃficit relativo de serviÃos water sewage Ãgua saneamento; brasil; abastecimento de Ãgua;esgotos anÃlise de envoltÃria de dados (dea)

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