Percursos do conflito: Os (des) caminhos da Metodologia Participativa dos Planos Diretores dos MunicÃpios da Zona da Mata Norte de Pernambuco




The redemocratizationÂs process in Brazil was marked by the incidence of new conceptions of planning, management and government in the cities supported by the ideas of âDemocratic Management of Citiesâ, originated from the social movements ascension and left parties leading the city hall in many Brazilian municipalities. The institutionalization of these principles was concretized as a result of the urban politicsâ incorporation to the Federal Constitution in 1988, later reaffirmed with the approval of the âStatute of the cityâ, in 2001. The vigor of such statute determined terms and has established the obrigatoriness, to some Brazilian municipalities, for elaborating their director plans, delimiting principles ideologically based on the ideas of democratic management in the cities and the participation of its population, with which the elaborationâs process, implementation and reviewing of the director plans would take place. The statuteÂs regulamentation did not defined a specific methodology, consequently, each public organ in a municipality or state assumed the responsibility of developing their proper methodological procedures aiming the social participation in the elaborationâs process of these plans. Due to the high costs expended and the low administrative and financial capacity observed in small and medium municipalities in Pernambuco, the government in the referred state, with the support of its agencies of planning, CONDEPE-FIDEM, and also in partnership with these municipalities, became responsible in elaborating director plans. In 2006, the Program of Sustainable Development Support (Programa de Apoio ao Desenvolvimento SustentÃvel- PROMATA) was charged with formulating 19 director plans in Zona da Mata Norte and Sul. Through the utilization of methodologies related to the participative planning, based on the basic structure ruled by the Brazilian Ministerial of Cities (MinistÃrio das Cidades) and supported by the concepts Democratic Participation and Sustainable development, the PROMATA develops a planning methodology, making use of techniques related to the strategic planning. Thus, the aim of this dissertation is to analyze the participative methodology developed by PROMATA, focusing on the popular participation in all stages of creating directors plans of municipalities of Zona da Mata in Pernambuco, having as cases study, the municipalities plans such as TimbaÃba and Nazarà da Mata. The central hypothesis in this workâs that methodological procedures, with the utilization of techniques based on the high comprehensionâs complexity , imply in the existence of impediments which will be able to make harder the popular participation and, consequently, the possibility of making the process impracticable.


gestÃo municipal metodologia participativa directors plans estado arquitetura e urbanismo democratic management planejamento urbano â zona da mata norte (pe) polÃtica urbana sociedade civil participative methodology popular participation

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