Confiabilidade dos dados declarados ao Sistema de InformaÃÃes sobre OrÃamentos PÃblicos em SaÃde pelos municÃpios de Pernambuco




In Brazil, after nearly twenty years of legality of the Magna Carta of 1988, the discussion about the financing of public health remains on the agenda and exposes the weakness of the State in the constitutional precept guarantee of health care. The Constitutional Amendment n. 29/2000 (EC29) execution has been the subject of reflection and the evidence of care to the Law takes the debate centrality on the performance of units of the Federation in meeting the targets. In the field of the policies for health information, the improvement of the Information System of Public Health Budgets (ISPHB/SIOPS) has given greater accessibility and visibility to the financial data of the Union, states and municipalities, as the instrument for monitoring the EC29. However, before the declaratory nature of the data that feed the ISPHB/SIOPS, linked to the large number of municipalities in the country, the verification for the data consistency is not held by the municipal technical team from the ISPHB/SIOPS. Accordingly, the present study investigates a key attribute to any information - the reliability, evaluating the effectiveness of the right to health in accomplishing the EC29 in Pernambuco, in the period 2000 to 2005, taking as a parameter the financial statements audited by the Court of Auditors of the State (CAS/ECA) The plan of analysis, structured in three stages, consisted of the use of Intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) as a statistical proof in measuring the agreement of the data, in addition to the completion of other procedures. The results showed the dissonance between the two sources of information, suggesting a level of mild to moderate correlation between the SIOPS data and those of the TECâs. The EC29 performance in the state showed a decrease in recent years, highlighting the fact that the smallest municipalities have better performance in achieving the goals of EC29 in relation to the large ones. The finding in the differences imply a lack of consensus by municipalities on the composition of the revenue and expenses related to health and effectiveness of the right to health does not follow a uniform standard, not occurring satisfactorily, even before the commitment of most municipalities in the execution of the Law


saude coletiva reliability court of auditors of the state sistema de informaÃÃes sobre orÃamentos pÃblicos em saÃde financing of public health the information system of public health budgets confiabilidade tribunal de contas do estado constitutional amendment n. 29/2000 financiamento da saÃde pÃblica emenda constitucional n. 29

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