Anemia e fatores associados em mulheres de municÃpios do Nordeste brasileiro - 2005




This dissertation is presented as a literature review on anaemia and associated aspects in nonpregnant women in reproductive age and an original article entitled: Anemia in non-pregnant women in fertile age in the Northeast Brazilian in two municipalities with high prevalence of food insecurity, which compares the prevalence in two municipalities, both characterized by low human development index and high food insecurity. This cross-sectional study describes and analyzes data from two population-based surveys, one in Gameleira (Zona da Mata de Pernambuco) and the other in SÃo JoÃo do Tigre (Semi-arid region of ParaÃba). It was examined associations between anemia and socioeconomic, environmental, nutritional and biological variables, and food insecurity, using Brazilian Food Insecurity Scale. As a result, it was observed that prevalence of anemia was significantly higher (p<0,001) in Gameleira (30.7%) compared with SÃo JoÃo do Tigre (18.6%). In Gameleira were found associations between anaemia in women living in urban areas, whom did not have satellite dish, and that have moderate and severe food insecurity. In SÃo JoÃo do Tigre wasnÂt observed association between the studied variables and anemia. The study points to a greater vulnerability of women to anemia, especially in those that have food insecurity in the sugar-cane area, the same was not found in the semi-arid region. These results could be used to support implementation of policies and programs at studied areas and in municipalities with similar characteristics to improve food security, mainly in more deprived socioeconomic areas


fatores associados nutricao associated aspects food insecurity mulheres anaemia anemia women in reproductive age

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