Crenças do professor sobre o melhor aprender de uma lingua estrangeira na escola




This ethnographic oriented researCh has the aim of analy:zing the conception of foreign language learning held by three public school teachers. Their beliefs on how students should study the foreign language have been analyzed. Besides their beliefs, cultures of learning and teaching, and habitus are also considered. Those elements compose the theoretical basis for this study that tries to show the origin of the subjects beliefs and to where they are conducting their teaching with the attitudes they adopt in classroom. Two questionnaires were used for the present analysis (FLAS and BALLI, Horwitz 1985 and 1988) with the aim of obtaining the teachers beliefs about teaching and learning. These data were analyzed together with classroom transcriptions and field notes in order to observe if, in classroom, the subjects created conditions to their students perform according to the way they considered appropriate. Interview data were used to clarify dubious points. It has been observed that the subjects believe that motivation is an important element for learning. Two of them (P1 and P3) say that, for learning to occur, it is necessary that the student have a special gift. The three of them conclude that none of their students believa that English can be leamed in public schools. However, the data reveal that the teachers also share this opinion, which means that neither the students nor the teachers believe that the. target language can be taughtllearned in public schools. The data also showed that the subjects of this research qualify as ideal the students who adopt learning strategies similar to t hose adopted by them while they were students


professores de lingua estrangeira - formação crenças

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