Corpos híbridos em mentes diafánas : as tribos urbanas no universo escolar de Palmas e suas inter(ações) com as tecnologia da informação e da comunicação.




This is a research that is inserted into the interfaces discussion known as a process of interaction and interactivity, from information technology, communication and urban tribes, in the contemporary school context, in the universe specified in the capital of Tocantins State - Palmas. Thirty five young people that assume taking part in tribes, going around the city and study at Centro de Ensino Médio de Palmas CEM. ( High School Center in Palmas), were investigated. The investigation was linked to an official school formative prospect, the selection and demand of parallel contents, mediated by the information technology and communication that allow collective interactions, about the subordination called urban culture at electronics technologies. The theorical reference was constructed based on; Zygmunt Bauman (2003), Paula Sibilia (2002), Jésus Martín Barbero (1997), Edvaldo Couto (2003), Manuel Castells (2003), Lúcia Santaella (1997), Andres Lemos read (2004), Vani Kenski (2004), Maria Helena Bonilla (2005), Jose Guillermo Magnani (1992), Michael Maffesoli (2000), Don Tapscott(1998) and Pierre Levy (1999), without disrespecting the signs of other authors. The methodology, analyses of contest, was adopted for reading information obtained during the listening process. The instruments used, like basic procedures of data collection were; observation, information and interview. The results permit us to conclude, that distinct young typologysts that are involved at the school contest, living together with the offers of educational and formative politics, that are presumed hegemonic, and, while receptors continuous negotiating more reasons and significant to understand the meaning of the world and life, from the mediatic apparatus.


educacao urban tribes juventude tecnologias da informação e comunicação tribos urbanas universo escolar mediatic culture school contests cultura midiática information technology and communication youth

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