Educomunicação &mídia radical : uma pedagogia revolucionária com as tecnologias da informação e da comunicação.




The current paper aims to make a qualitative analysis of the learning processes which make use of interactive means of communication at schools, such as newspaper, radio and blog, intended to make a dramatic change when it comes to the access to the so-called Information Technology and knowledge acquisition, taking the learn-doing concept as the starting point with a dialectic epstemology. Newspaper articles, radio programs and blogs were part of the project, making it possible for the participants to play both active and passive roles. In this process, the researcher acted orienting the activities and at the same time learning from the students. The dissertation had three main goals: to confirm the richness of its production for a learning/teaching practice, the interrelation of themes and the formation of protagonist learners. All planned projects could be executed through individual and colective actions, making use of researches, information sharing and the use of Internert. The difficulties that emerged were surpassed by the own action of the participants, even though they were all part of excluded groups in terms of access to technology. Knowledge, experiences and techniques were shared and the participants became reference in their schools for both their peers and teachers.Due to the great potential that the information technology offers for the learning process, it is extremely advisable that schools make use of these available technologies as pedagogical methods, having the teachers stablish a horizontal rapport with learners and, strategically, acting within its community, what is called revolutionary pedagogy with medias.


information technology learn-doing mobilização educomunicação mídia radical aprender-fazendo emancipation informação actig communication technology radical media tecnologia da informação e da comunicação conhecimento emancipação knowledge edocommunica-tion educacao

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