Contribuições dos programas de pos-graduação stricto sensu na formação e atuação dos docentes de ensino superior : o caso da educação fisica / Contributions of the after-graduation programs stricto sensu in the formation and performance of the professors of superior education : the case of the physical education




This study aims to verify the circumstances and the means by which masters and PHD training process in Stricto Sensu Pos-Graduation Programs in Physical Education, in Brazil, contribute for professors actuation in Physical Education teachers training courses in order to interfere in this specific training for this professional actuation and, as a result, might contribute for the training of professionals who consider, discuss, reflect on and act in society with tlÍe comprehension of the human being in a holistic dimension, integrated and not fragmented. For that, at the first moment, there is a literary revision about the universities models, dealing with how they are characterized and how they interfere on the comprehension of human being and society conception acquired by the professionals; it also deals with the university appearance in Brazil in order to understand the development in that country, trying to explain how the first professional trainings manifestations in Physical Education appeared. It discusses the specialization and the knowledge fragmentation problems nowadays, expressed by Brazilian higher education, and the crisis that come from this matter. It also presents the propositions of higher education organization and administration and the higher education institutions commitment to professionals training to job market, specifically to the teacher actuation in basic education. Finally, it discusses the professors training process, pointing out the necessity of training trainers and, afier that, the main professors training characteristics in nowadays context. The search universe comprehends the Stricto Sensu Physical Education Pos-Graduation Programs which offered titles in the last five years.The search presents a data collection of the objectivesl aims of Stricto Sensu Physical Education Pos-Graduation Programs, and questionnaires applied to students trained by these programs, and both, questionnaires and objectives/aims are analyzed by content analysis technique. It is important to point out that the students were defined by the proporcional stratified sample. After the data collection, the information was confronted in order to identify the similarity between the information given by the programs and the information given by the students. It noticed that programs emphasize they seek for search and professors training, but the students declare that the priority of these programs organization is scientific production, putting the higher education professional training in a second plan, offering few opportunities, isolated, for many times, sporadic and few discussed, few reflected and superficial to the professor practice. This affects the training process and, as a result, affects these professors students training. It shows that these problems are the consequence of the assessment process, by which the Pos-Graduation Programs passes, demanding scientific production, disregarding the professional training. It suggests that new assessment forms might be reflected and elaborated, in order to ensure a good development to each segment ofthe Programs. Finally, it is necessary and urgent to reorganize these Programs dynamics, seeking to ensure advances in the teachers training, what might be done carrying out a plan which offers and develops concentration areas and specific scientific lines for the searches; knowledge analysis and construction in order to give quality to the future professors in Physical Education Courses, who will train qualified teachers for Basic Education


ensino superior professores - formação universidades e faculdades - pos-graduação education pos-graduação pos-graduation programs higher education educação fisica teacher training physical stricto sensu

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