Contribuições da pedagogia da alternância para o desenvolvimento sustentável : trajetórias de egressos de uma escola família agrícola




This is a research about the trajectory of rural young people who studied at an Agricultural Family school and intends to analise the alternation pedagogy contribution to the sustainable development. The approach concerns to three meanings subjects that are less systematized in Brazil: the alternation pedagogy, the sustainable development, and rural youth. Qualitative research techniques were used by a study of case, on an exploratory way. This practice allowed to surround together the searcher, the young people and the school, in a process that brought results to an empirical significative material (observation, interview, young people diary behaviour) and different types of analyses. Data were obtained on a specific Agricultural Family school, in Orizona, Goiás. There was the purpose of showing the young people experiences and the meaning influence from the alternation pedagogy practice, at the cenary of favourable transformations going to sustainable and solidarity development and its role putting into action the subject as an agent of his own history. The results shows that the pedagogical instruments and methodology intend to be effective in order to provide integration between school, work, culture and familiar environment. Its possible to say, as a conclusion, that the alternation pedagogy performs is an option to the sustainable development. The trajectories discloses a new rural world where young students are able to know and use new technologies, able to go on with their studies and go forth with professional plans, side by side with family and further to sustainable and solidarity development.


desenvolvimento sustentável sustainable development pedagogia da alternância pedagogia; aluno egresso; educação rural juventude rural alternation pedagogy agricultural youth ciências humanas

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