Consumo de produtos lácteos e renda familiar de gestantes e nutrizes usuárias de um hospital público de Fortaleza. / Consumption of dairy products and household income pregnant women and nursing mothers attending a public hospital in Fortaleza.


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The objective was to interrelate the consumption of milky products and the familiar income of pregnants and breastfeeding mothers of a public hospital of Fortaleza- Ceará. To this, it used a questionnaire of food frequency with reproducibility and validity tested, and one questionnaire about the socioeconomics conditions, having as basic data informations inserted of Questionnaire of Life Conditions, part inserted of POF 2002/2003, that allow to analyzis questions refer to frequency of consumption of milky products, sufficiency of income and alimentation, scholarship, reproductive history and number of children, existance and level of satisfaction with some basic services of home, payment of some domestic costs and income gotten. The results highlighted that the socioeconomics conditions still are too fragile, so more than half of population studied (58%) did not receive any income. The monthly average income of group was about R$1029, more concentrated between two and three minimum wages. The average scholarship was 8,5 years. Regarding the occupation, 46,8% of women interviewed were linked to private business and only 4,8% of them have functions in public service. The study demonstrated that, even being families of low income, these ones did not evaluate have worse conditions of housing. More than half of sample deemed insufficient the quantity of foods consumpted, diverging to consumption of foods according the preference, which occurred a positive evaluation about the kind of foods. Despite the economics limitations, these families gotten a frequency of consumption well diferentiate. Regarding the frequency of consumption of milky products, the results revealed that: the group that ingested less than 1 portion per Day, the frequency of consumption decreased as the income increased; the ones that consumpted between 1 or 2 portions per Day, the consumption increased as the income invreased; and the ones that belonged to class of income more elevated had a consumption higher. Observed that consumption of 98% of families was out of pattern recomended by Food Guide to Brazilian Population. The Milk pasteurized was the only kind of milk, which consumption was too high. The coalho cheese was consumpted as by class of lesser as higher income, being the class of low income had a higher consumpted. The consumption of milky drinks and yourgut also highlighted in class of lesser and higher income with consumption elevated. Products as requeijão and prato cheese shown very low consumption, the same occurring with coalhada and mussarela cheese.


dieta na gestação lactação produtos lácteos inquéritos dietéticos saude publica diet in pregnants lactation milky products dietetic produres

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