Consumo alimentar nos primeiros dois anos de vida em bolsões de pobreza do municipio de Campinas, SP : um componente de segurança alimentar e nutricional / Food consumption in the first two years of living in poverty pockets of the city of Campinas, SP : a component of food security and nutrition.




This study aimed to characterize the food intake of children in the first two years of life from the perspective of food and nutrition security in poverty areas of the city of Campinas-SP, identified according to family income, and housing conditions of contiguity-based the census of 1991. The sample consisted of 121 children from 0 to 24 months of age, with data collection, socio economic and recall of food intake over 24h obtained in interviews with the mothers. The results showed that 96.7% of children studied mamaram birth. However, the median duration of exclusive breastfeeding was shorter (60dias). At the time of the study, only 8.26% of children under 4 months of age exclusively breastfed for breast, 4.96% had introduced other foods. At the age of 4 - | 6 months, 7.44% of children do not consume milk. The diets were shown to be unbalanced, the more the nutrient iron deficient and protein in excess. Income intermediate (0.5 - | 1 SMFPC) showed unstable patterns of consumption, with vulnerability to disability. In higher classes the introduction of more elaborate products, contributes to dietary excess, creating vulnerable population group when considering food safety and nutrition by excess. The results showed that food consumption of children under two years old, is an important component when considering the vulnerability and food insecurity and nutrition for the prevention of dietary imbalances in the short and long term.


levantamentos nutricionais crianças food - consumption poverty pobreza alimentos - consumo nutrition surveys breastfeeding amamentação children

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