Análise de programas de segurança alimentar e nutricional no município de São Paulo: o conjunto dos programas compõe uma política de segurança alimentar e nutricional promotora da saúde? / Programs analysis for Food Security and Nutrition in the city of São Paulo: the set of the programs make up a Policy of Food and Nutrition Security health-promoting?


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The Food and Nutrition Security is the realization of the right of everyone to the regular and permanent access to quality food, in enough quantity, without compromising the access to other essential necessities, based on health-promoting food practices that respect the cultural diversity and that are socially, economically and environmentally sustainable. In recent years this issue has been highlighted in the national political scene, especially after its institutionalization through the ´Organic Law on Food and Nutrition Security ´ (LOSAN 11.346/06) which creates the System of Food and Nutrition Security. Considering the efforts to implement this system, nationally, and the proximity between the propositions of this field and the idea of Health Promotion, this study aimed to analyze a set of programs for food and nutrition security, developed in the city of São Paulo, from the perspective of Health Promotion, to check if it makes up a policy of Food and Nutrition Security health-promoting. The qualitative research, included analysis of documents related to programs and interviews, through semi-structured questionnaires, with those professionals responsible for these initiatives. It was found that the programs are distributed on all axles of Food and Nutritional Security (production, supply, food consumption and nutritional supplement programs and monitoring of food insecurity) with greater emphasis on the axis of consumption. Regarding the perspective of health promotion, all the programs did not demonstrate intersectoral action, which acted on the determinants of health and bad nutrition or that promote autonomy, participation and empowerment of individuals. Most of them had characteristics of a neoliberal State policies: welfare, with actions limited to the offering of food or income; focus with service only to the population most excluded from society and some, outsourced execution, increasing the distance between the State and population. We conclude that all the programs analyzed did not make up a municipal policy of Food and Nutritional Security health-promoting


food and nutrition policy food and nutrition security health promotion nutrição e saúde pública nutrition política de alimentação e nutrição promoção da saúde public health segurança alimentar e nutricional

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