Consultoria &cooperativismo : cooperativa de consultores e espaço de consultoria brasileiro.




Materials in general as well as specialized articles with a lot of semiofficial estimation have indicated high increase in the use of management consultancy particularly during the post-war period of the sixties decade. Numerous authors have linked this increase to the growth in markets and technology complexities. However, in addition to consultancy firms, it has also appeared in the economic arena, consultants cooperatives of business enterprises as a new working arrangement occupying nearly the same space available in large and medium-sized firms. As a result, an interest in developing this study has surged as basis for bibliographical research based upon documentation as well as interviews with some members of such cooperatives aiming at analyzing a better understanding of what has motivated the appearance and development of such consultants cooperatives as well as the understanding of such cooperatives importance on the present economic arena. A certain cooperative located in the city of Belo Horizonte at Minas Gerais was the subject of such study. This cooperative set up its activities in 1994 and, today, comprises more than 1200 members. Its foundation, present situation as well as its internal relationship, claim of contacts, and increase are some of the factors looked into this study.


empresas de consultoria cooperativa de consultores management consulting espaço de consultoria brasileiro engenharia de producao cooperative of consultants brazilian consulting arena consultoria em gestão

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