Cooperativismo e trabalho: a experiência da cooperativa de reciclagem de lixo (COOPREC)




This research deals with the Garbage Recycling Cooperative Firm (Cooperativa de Reciclagem de Lixo, Cooprec) in its history, challenges, worries, contradictions and possibilities. It is a workers cooperative firm who take from it their sustenance at the same time they carry an educational work and environmental preservation out through the reduction of the solid waste in the sanitary landfill. The goals of the investigation have consisted in grasping the conception of the cooperative firms in its genesis; the meaning of cooperative firms, in the context of changing in/the world of Brazilian labor; and how these changes effect in the interior of a labor cooperative firm, based on the experience of Cooprec. It has used the oral history, qualitative methodology of research centered in the narrative of experience through oral speech. The cooperators themselves were the research characters. It has searched to know the history of the cooperative firm, how the cooperators get into it, the challenges and the possibilities of work. The study reveals that the popular cooperative in Brazil, in the recent years, mixes to the supportive economy and it gets in a perspective of job generation and income, financed or by the State or by the fomentation institutions. The result, in the labor point of view, is the possibility of subsistence and in the capital point of view, it goes into a complex cooperation which with it is itself benefited and supported


work and unemployment reaproveitamento (sobras, refugos, etc) trabalho e desemprego servico social cooperativismo cooperativismo -- aspectos sociais cooperative firm

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