Conjuntos de continuidade seqüencial fraca para polinômios em espaços de Banach / Sets of weak sequential continuity for polynomials in Banach spaces


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




This work has the purpose of presenting a study on Banach spaces about sets in which determined homogeneous continuous polynomials are weakly sequentially continuous. Some properties of these sets are studied and illustrated with examples, most in the space $l_p$. We obtain a formula for the weak sequential continuity set of the product of two polynomials, and some consequences. Stronger results are obtained when we restrict our Banach spaces to spaces with unconditional FDD and/or separable. The results studied here were obtained by R. Aron and V. Dimant in: Aron, R. &Dimant, V., {Sets of weak sequential continuity for polynomials, Indag. Mathem., N.S., 13 (3) (2002), 287-299.


conjuntos de continuidade sequencial fraca polinômios em espaços de banach polynomials in banach spaces sets of weak sequential continuity

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