Confiança e risco em decisões estratégicas: uma análise a partir de elementos do sistema experiencial




This study discusses relations between decision making, risk and trust. Decisions can be studied by experiential system, which is quick, generally automatic, not conscientiously perceived, and involves subjective elements in decision processes. This research is streamed aside the experiential view analysis, aiming to analyze how experiential system elements interfere in necessary trust setting, that allows risk taking in strategic changes decision processes. Four brazilian organizations that passed through strategic changes are studied, based on a qualitative perspective. Data were collected from semi-structured questionnaires, applied to senior executives in in-depth interviews. Interviews contents were analyzed, and the outcomes pointed out the influence of experiential system elements in strategic changes decision processes. It emerges that those elements do not impact in reality, changing risk or uncertainty conditions of the situations that executives are passing through, but they interfere in executives perceptions about risk. The identified elements (emotion, humor, values, intuition, spirituality, religion and hope) do contribute to necessary trust to risk taking, and thus affect in the way decisions are made


sistema experiencial mudança organizacional decision making organizational change trust experiential system administracao risco tomada de decisão confiança risk

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