Concordância verbal de terceira pessoa do plural em Vitória da Conquista: variação estável ou mudança em progresso? / Verbal agreement to third person plural: stable variation or progress change?




This dissertation shows the study of the verbal agreement, considering the third person plural, or (P6) in Vitoria da Conquista, Bahia. The survey, based on the theoretical presuppositions of the Labovian Variationist Theory, was done from a corpus composed by thirty-two (32) informers? inquiries with people who were born in that city. These inquiries, resulting from a process of collecting spontaneous oral speech through individual interviews, were transcribed. Afterwards, taking the hypothesis that in this community, the verbal concordance in the third person plural is a variable principle, ruled by linguistic and social factors, a survey followed by a codification of a hundred (100) occurrences, totalizing three thousand and two hundred (3,200), was done. In order to check the conditioning linguistic factors in the use of the rule in question, it was considered the NP subject constitution: its carrying out, position and distance from the subject in the clause, the semantic characteristic of the subject, the type of the verb, the tense and the verb conjugation, besides the phonic projection. As for the evaluation of the social factors? influence on the rule, which has been investigated, it was also considered the sex of the informers, three age groups and three schooling levels. The data were codified, quantified and analyzed, from the defining factor groups, to quantification in the VARBRUL program. Aiming to establish the differences and/or similarities in the linguistic behavior between men and women, the analysis was based in two criteria: the first one, named as, in which the considered data was general, comprised all the points and was divided in two moments: first instance linguistic variation and second instance linguistic variation. The results of the analysis made evident the existence of a context in a stable variation in the community, with percentages from 49% to Ø / and from 51% of / N in P6. The linguistic group, phonic salience and the social characteristic and schooling level were the most important ones for the achievement of the final results.


sociolinguistica e dialetologia vitória da conquista grau de escolaridade fatores sociais schooling level variação estável sociolinguistic saliência fônica phonic salience stable variation linguistic factors vitoria da conquista sociolingüística fatores lingüísticos social factors

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