Concepts and practices of Health Education among workers of the FHS in the municipal district of Canoinhas-SC / Concepções e práticas de educação em saúde de trabalhadores da estratégia de saúde da família do município de Canoinhas-SC




The aim of the implementation and construction of the Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS the Brazilian national health system), particularly primary healthcare programs, is to transform the welfare model, and some basic principles are considered necessary for the operationalization of this system. Thus, Health Education, in the practice of the professionals, is an essential tool in the organization of the integral healthcare required by the Health Reform Movement and by the FHS (Family Health Strategy). Health Education is a strategy of Health Promotion, and as such, should be a formative tool for raising awareness of the socially responsible subject, and a fundamental element in the context of the SUS. In this context the health worker has the basic role of creating the necessary environment and conditions for health education. We therefore chose, as the focus of this research, the question of how a team which is part of the FHS conceives and practices Health Education in their day-to-day professional lives. This research was inspired by participant research, using Paulo Freires method of Culture Circles. We provided a space for discussion and reflection among the workers in relation to the Health Education work they carry out. We held six workshops in which we explored Freires proposed script with the participants: survey of generating subjects, their codification, decodification and critical unveiling. We opted to discuss the addressed by the participants in various ways, whether in direct discourses, or through examples, dramatization, or pictures, and those constructed during the workshops. We identified five subjects. Guidance/Information as an element of the Educative action; Health Education implies a Dialog; Listening as a factor which facilitates Health Education; The presence of prevention in the educative action in health; and finally, Rethinking the attitudes of a new health educator. At the end of the work, we observed that the concepts and practices of the workers were, in most cases, related to a Traditional Education in which dialog is not present. Thus, the practices are medicalized and are related to the ideal of prevention, rather than Health Promotion. During the work process, some participants, particularly the Community Health Agents, demonstrated a potential for the development of an emancipatory Health in that they already use some dialogical procedures. However this is done spontaneously, without any awareness of the impact it causes on their work. This fact was positive, as it can constitute the start of a process of self-evaluation and a possible transformation in the workers concepts and day-to-day Educative practices


empowerment educação em saúde práticas empoderamento concepções practices health promotion promoção à saúde health education saude publica concepts

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