Comportamentos de risco na adolescÃncia: um estudo de caso em proposta transdisciplinar




This work results from the challenge of trying to expand the scope of comprehension and analysis of the meaning(s) of manifestation of risk behaviors and practices, with an emphasis on the consumption of alcoholic beverages in the period referred as late adolescence (starting at 17 years of age) and in the post-traditional context of a late modernity in which social life implies in a reflexivity that becomes part of the ways of action adopted by individuals and groups, in such a way that modernity ends up being constituted by and through reflexively applied and socially refracted knowledge. Starting from inquietudes aroused from the clinical psychological praxis, through an initial behaviorist frame, each new clinical session with the patient here called Murilo â portrayed as a case study propitious to the discussion of the theme at hand â helped to evidence the importance of developing a broader glance which would call upon contributions from human sciences in order to relativize and expand notions such as: behaviors, choices and exposure to âriskâ, related to the interaction of the individual with the world. The aim was to set out towards a proposal of investigation carried out in a transdiciplinary dimension â beyond the usual descriptions and psychological behavioral frames which prioritize function and context to the detriment of meaning. The patient was approached in the concreteness of his existential relation and situation, in the temporality and historicity of his existence and through the highlighting of the singularity illustrated by the caseÂs proposal of comprehension, as a possibility of transcendence of solely psychological diagnoses and knowledge, far beyond the limits of analysis and clinical space-time conditions shared in the psychologistâs office. In calling out for a transdisciplinary proposal to the case and theme, contributions and data were interrelated in possible interfaces to the following areas: a) theoretical principles of SkinnerÂs radical behaviorism, emphasizing concepts such as history of reinforcement, contingencies and metacontingencies of reinforcement; b) concepts from current sociological theory, articulated in notions like reflexive modernization, self reflexive monitoring of actions and risk society; c) contributions from anthropology related to rites of passage/transition and the way to adulthood; and, finally, d) contributions from philosophy of existence, from the ontology proposed by Sartre, a thinker who discoursed about notions like: choices, freedom, project, autonomy and authenticity. The work carried out allows for the conclusion that the social environment stimulates practices and behaviors without the provision of adequate resources, environments and propitious conditions so that the exposition to risk in late adolescence may be experienced more consciously and self-resourcefully, in the sense that it be carried out in a less harmful way to the physical, emotional and social health of adolescents, and in a manner to perhaps provide for a better well-being, purpose and survival not only of the individual, but of its own species.


reflexive modernization existencialismo transdisciplinarity risk behaviors functional analysis transdiciplinaridade ritos de passagem anÃlise funcional case study contingÃncias contingencies metacontingÃncias adolescente; jovens com problemas â comportamento; jovens com problemas â estudo de caso; bebidas alcoÃlicas; avaliaÃÃo de risco; sociedade de riscos; abordagem interdisciplinar no conhecimento estudo de caso existentialism alta adolescÃncia comportamentos de risco risk society late adolescence metacontingencies modernizaÃÃo reflexiva psicologia do desenvolvimento humano rites of passage

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