Comportamento termico de coberturas de fibrocimento em Campinas, SP : aplicação de tecnicas passivas / Thermal behavior of fiber-cement roofing in Campinas, SP : application of passive cooling




In Brazil, the tropical climate is predominant in most of regions. Roofing is the building component with the highest exposition to direct solar radiation. The challenge for researchers and designers is to achieve cornfort in the built environrnent and to contribute to energy saving, proposing roofing systems with good thermal insulation, and consequently lesser internal surface temperatures. The objective of this research is to monitor the thermal behavior of fiber-cement roofing and to present a discussion about the results obtained in cell-tests in the city of Campinas, SP, through passive cooling techniques. Four cell-tests were used: one cell-test was adopted as reference, and the other three were analyzed with evaporative, radiative and reflective systems, respectively. The evaporative system was tested with different aspersion cycles through spraying systems and intervals. The monitored parameters were the internal surface temperatures of the roofing tiles (TT s) and attic air temperatures (TAA s) in the period of January 21st to February 9th of2006. Among the monitored passive techniques, the best thermal behavior was observed in the 2nd period (iTom January 26th to 30th, corresponding to continue spraying), related to the internal surface temperature with the evaporative system (TTevap = 23,2°C). A reduction of 1,3°C was observed, as compared to the reference test-cell and and an increase of 0,1 °C in comparison with the average air temperature. In relation to the average of attic air temperature, the 2nd period presented the lowest temperature for reflexive system (T AArefl = 23,4°C) and evaporative system (TAAevap = 23,5°C); a reduction of 0,5°C and 0,4°C in relation of the reference test-cell respectively was observed; also, it showed an increase of 0,3°C as compared with air temperature. The results presented through statistical analyses demonstrated that the use of the evaporative system in climatic conditions with high relative humidity is viable, contributing, therefore, to attenuate the effects of climatic hostilities in the roofing buildings


cobertura (engenharia) bioclimatic architecture arquitetura e clima roofing bioclimatologia thermal comfort. reflective and cooling conforto termico evaporative cooling

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