Cogeração disseminada para pequenos usuarios : estudo de casos para o setor terciario




ln this paper some cogeneration systems using small internal combustion engines and gas turbines in compact versions are analyzed, applied in some segments of the terciary sectors that show themselves as feasible alternatives for rational descentralized energy production. lnitially the relative concepts and ordinary technologies of cogeneration systems are presented in a global manner, followed by the presentation of more appropriate technologies for the terciary sectors (hospitaIs, universities, shopping centers, restaurants, hotels, office buildings, etc). ln the next step a methodology for the study of the compact cogeneration system is developed utilizing internal combustion engines associated with an absorption refiigeration system, to produce electricity and cold air for a building on the university campus. This methodology is applied to technical and economic analysis.Three fuels are considered. ln another step analyses of the cogeneration system using gas turbine associated with a waste recuperation boiler and absorption refrigeration systems are made using a similar methodology to that used in the step above. ln this case the cogeneration systems are applied to produce electricity, steam or cold water for a hospital. Natural gas is the fuel considered. ln the last step the institutional aspects of the cogeneration are commented in which the experiences of some European countries, the U.S.A. legislation and the pertinent legislation in Brazil are considered. ln conclusion, the compact cogenerator system, utilizing internal combustion engines and gas turbines, may be excellent opportunities to strengthen the descentralized energy production of the terciary sector in the National Energy Scene. lt is necessary to consider that cogeneration for the terciary sector is a sensible alternative from the economic point of view, demanding special methods of design, equipment seletion and mainIy of the contractual deals associated to the electricity and fuel supply.


energia eletrica e calor - cogeração energia eletrica - produção

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