Circuses activities at school / Representação das atividades circenses na escola




Circuses activities at school is a body practice that summarises cultural and driving power actions. It is considered an enriching situation of body movements, gestures and feelings that PE practice needs to assume as a curriculum achievement. It is actually the aim of this study which analyses the circuses activities at school as a pedagogical planning in PE classes. The research enhances a qualitative basis considering its focus on human behaviour. Many procedures were used on the data collecting such as participants observation, some visits to circuses,exibition of thematic films with the content of circuses peoples background, sharing experiences with the artist at school, photographies, drawings, interviews besides oral and written reports. There were on the whole sixteen participants that contributed for the building of this issue ranging from kids at the age of eight and nine years old, attending the third year of primary basis from a regular school in the town of Joinville, located in the northeast state of Santa Catarina. The circuses activities were developed once a week with the duration of one hour, in accordance with the deal previously set with the pedagogical coordinator of the school. The collected information was kept as a record on a diary, according to the researcher observation. The author of this document also carried out some interviews with the pupils parents as well as with the PE teacher of a selected group with the purpose of checking their perception about the development of the circuses activities during the study process. It is considerably relevant to highlight not only the pupils positive acceptance but also the teachers and parentson the whole, that surely by the mentioned exposure and practice, pupils were deeply motivated and prepared to develop challenging situations, involving their imagination, taking under consideration, individuals intelligence limitations,admiring the human being as well as promoting citizenship.


circuses activities escola school educacao fisica educação física physical education atividades circenses

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