Chromobacterium violaceum: caracterizaÃÃo cultural, bioquÃmica, molecular e detecÃÃo da produÃÃo de polihidroxialcanoato - PHA




Studies were carried out with thirteen strains of Chromobacterium violaceum evaluating the biochemical characteristics, the genetic variability and the polyhydroxyalkanoate production. The isolates had demonstrated to greater growth on the Luria Bertani medium, supplemented with glucose. All the isolates had been negative for the urea tests, manitol, lactose and indol, and positive for fructose, lysine, sucrose, glucose, catalase, gelatinase, motility and oxidase. All the strains were demonstrated resistance to ampicillin and cephalotin. It was still observed, resistance for gentamicin and amicacin (UCP 1035-CearÃ), and for imipenen, chloramphenicol and amicacin (UCP 1489-Pernambuco), evidencing phenotypic characteristics between the thirteen strains. The genetic variability of C. violaceum strains was evaluated by the index of Jaccard similarity, using UPGMA method in the grouping analyses. The similarity indices had varied of 0.17 the 0.35 for eleven isolated ones, while that, isolated the UCP 1462 and UCP 1463 had presented 100% of similarity. The RAPD profile was characteristic for each strain, allowing to the formation of two analyzed groups indicating the genetic variability of the isolates. The detention of the polyhydroxyalkanoate production was carried out using the Nile blue and green malachite dyes, being distinguished strain of C. violaceum UCP 1467, as higher biopolymer producer


rapd similarity biochemical characterization ciencias biologicas chromobacterium violaceum rapd polyhydroxyalkanoate production caracterizaÃÃo bioquÃmica produÃÃo de polihidroxialcanoato similaridade chromobacterium violaceum

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