CDF, gente boa!: um estudo sobre as categorias do juízo estudantil




This study, developed by the group of studies and researches Sociological Studio Education and Culture, linked to the line of research Education, Culture and Power, has as the theme the forms of student classification. Objective: to know and to comprehend how the students classify themselves, focusing the elected classifications as categories of analysis, Geek and Nice Guy. Methods and techniques: with the theoretical support of Emile Durkheim, Marcel Mauss, Pierre Bourdieu, Paul Willis, among others, it was tried to know, to map the student classifications, to verify that instruments of perception and appreciation are used by the students to form their system of classification. Based on this, it was used various instruments of research, among them: dynamics in groups, activities with drawing, photographs, questionnaires and interviews, with students from the 8th grade of Elementary school and with the ones in the 1st grade of high school in two schools in the city of Blumenau, SC, being one public and the other one private. Besides, it was used the Graphic Semiology, with the technical support of Jacques Bertin, as the methodology to comprehend the focused target. Literary and Artistic works were used to illustrate the construction and the complexity of the systems of student classification. Results: considering that the school has the purpose to produce and elect the agents, with the perception of thinking and of action way, capable to make them ready and motivated to understand the cultural products produced in the instances of production of erudite behaviors, it was searched to observe through the forms of students classification how the complex way based on the social and teaching classifications can be matched, linking them to the cultural capital in its transmuted form as an acquired school capital. Conclusions: it was discovered that the system of student classification is hardly linked to the acquired school capital and to the corporal hexis, which promote the distinctions of the school area


cultural capital habitus students classification escola gente boa disciplina escolar; participação estudantil na educação; estudantes - avaliação cdf school habits educacao classificação estudantil capital cultural geek good guy

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