Quando a gente escreve- : um estudo sobre escritas no cotidiano escolar


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




Liked to the line of research Speech and educative practice of the Program of Pos Graduation in education/master degree in Education, from the regional University of Blumenau ? FURB, SC- this research seeks to understand the writing practice in the scholar environment through the students speech. Its common to hear teachers from the most different areas, to say that the students do not write and when they do it is very bad. Nevertheless it is common to see students, in the scholar environment in absorbed varied periods, producing texts that are not related with the activities programmed by the teacher. The textual production demands certain set of necessaries conditions, besides, each speech genre presents different function on the human sphere activities. The matter that leads this research investigates which is the meaning of writing in the scholar environmental without being proposed by the teacher. The general goal is to understand the writing practice that permeates in the scholar environment. The search for this understanding happened through interpretative qualitative research, for it searches the meanings of the writing practice performed by the students. The participants of this research were seventh grade students (eight-years-students) from a public school of alto vale do Itajai. The data analyses were based on the theory of enunciation from Bakthins circle and author as Dolz and Schneuwly; Geraldi, Kleimam, Tfouni, Soures, Roxo, experts form new researches of literacy and Gomes. Before the literature review we present as reflections about this research: the students, in a certain way understand the usage of the discursive genres; they make distinction between the school writing, in other words, institutionalized and the school writing, social, that occurs at the most indispensable moments of the school daily routine; there is always the presence of a speaker and a interlocutor; there is texts that the subject authorizes himself to write and others not. Before these reflections we conclude that that way of writing that makes part of the scholar routine form the following trivet: social writing practice, speech genres and the writing itself, that indicates that it exercises its social function and becomes meaningful in the discursive group in which the subjects are inserted


escrita práticas sociais gêneros discursivos autoria escrita de si educacao escrita; comunicação escrita; ambiente escolar writing social practice discursive genres authorship self-writing

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