Caracterização histoquímica e imunoistoquímica de áreas telencefálicas da coruja-da-igreja (Tyto alba) / Histochemical and immunohistochemical characterization of forebrain areas in the barn owl (Tyto alba)




Owls possess exceptional visual and auditory capacities. There is only limited information about the neuroanatomy of their forebrain. Thus, we characterized by histo/immunohistochemical techniques the forebrain of the barn owl. The basal ganglia were delineated by their intense immunostaining for DARPP-32 and tyrosine hydroxylase. Primary thalamorecipient sensory areas, such as the entopallium (E), L2 of the auditory Field L and the basorostral palial nucleus were characterized by the almost absence of DARPP-32 and their high citocrome oxidase (CO) activity. The pseudo layers of the visual Wulst were delineated by a combination of methods, including CO activity and immunostaining for DARPP-32.The Wulst and Field L were outlined by their huge size, whereas the E was small. These data suggest that the morphology of many telencephalic regions of the barn owl is similar to that in other birds. However, the Wulst and Field L were highlighted by their size and degree of organization, reflecting the importance of the visual and auditory system for the behavior of owls.


darpp-32 dopamine visual system auditory system dopamina aves birds sistema auditivo sistema visual darpp-32

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