Características teóricas, políticas e epistemológicas da avaliação institucional em uma escola da rede pública estadual de ensino.




Aiming at the investigation of the way that institutional evaluation is carried out in the educational state network, a Salvador, middle size Basic Education school was chosen. The work was performed based on the following specific goals: a) identification of the theoretical, political and epistemological features of the institutional evaluation and how such a practice is activated in the institution; b) verification of the degree of importance given to the political-pedagogical project and to the curriculum; c) identification of what compromises with learning and with qualitative growth are shown by the evaluation; d) the theoretical bases upon which lies the learning evaluation process and; e) what the educators offer themselves to when evaluating their students. The description served as a basis, giving special attention to the ethnomethods, that is, the way how the institutional actors get organized to evaluate the school. The observation and analysis of this school?s reality by the reflection of its singularities, contributed to the enrichment of the results. The main categories for the formation of the database were: 1) educational evaluation concepts institutional measurement and evaluation (involving educators, pupils and the household) and; 2) organization of the decision-making and implantation of improvements process. Some other categories emerged from this process: 3) learning evaluation concepts and process evaluation concepts; 4) power relations in the evaluation and; 5) board council as instance of pupils judgment. The role each person plays in the institutional scope are basic for the guidance applied to the elaborations towards the matter. While the administration is concerned with the school?s evaluation aspects and the educational processes happening in its ambience, the faculty draws attention to the work with the students and to the results achieved in the learning process. The teachers? concepts are yet linked to viewing evaluation as the measurement, although, in many cases, they refer to process evaluation, to the quality of this process, to the level of competence and skills and to the importance given to institutional evaluation. What could be perceived, upon trying to bring the educators? concepts and the theoretical production on institutional evaluation (and its practice) to the same level, is that they lack foundation and adequate political position to build a conscious work that will enable them to get rid of old-fashioned standards. The pupils express their expectations, show that they worry about their learning and make judgments on their performances. Parents, inspired by the roles played by the institutional actors and by the functioning of the school, are concerned about everyone?s performance level, about the possibilities of talk and partnerships, on top of emphasizing the learning and the development of the students as an essential target of the educational evaluation. The institutional evaluation in this school is still an ongoing process which presents weaknesses in theory, in addition to epistemological and practical ones, and there is not a consensus among the educators as for its concept and its practice. It was recommended as an adequate procedure for the needs of both the institution and the educators, the study and the research on the theme as well as the construction of an institutional evaluation program in this school.


education evaluation educacao institutional evaluation avaliação institucional institutional performance enhancement desempenho institucional avaliação educacional

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