Caminhando para uma nova (?) Consciencia : uma experiencia de introdução da Arte Marcial na Educação




The present research suggests an "Education Vision" combining with the "Pensamento Chinês", demonstrating the practical application of this vision through the Traditional Chinese Martial Art and its philosophy. It presents an "educative journey" starting from the corporeal to the ecological consciousness (from the individual consciousness to the cosmic, universal consciousness). The study enlarges into two distinctive but connected stages. Part one presents the theoretical base: the correlations between the "Pensamento Chinês" (the oriental approach), the "Ecologia Profunda" and the "Ciência da Motricidade Humana" (the western approach). Part two relates to the real experience of the authoress when she lectured Kung Fu to 5th year college students of a state- school i n the periphery of Jundiaí-SP, studying comparisons between experimental and control groups. Coherent with the bombast given to the processes in the universe (and not to its results) this thesis doesn t give definite, accomplished conclusions. Instead, it demonstrates that results most of them positive - should be considered as a "turning point", a moment of transition to more elaborated and inventive researches. At the beginning of the new millenary, are we walking for a new conscience", or, simply, are we opening windows for ?The Conscience" to appear?


artes marciais educação do movimento holismo filosofia oriental

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