Desenvolvimento da consciencia corporal : uma experiencia da Educação Fisica na idade pre-escolar




This study aimed to analyse the pre-school children body perception development who were submitted to physical education classes in this school phase. Through the human figure drawing test (HFT) it was possible to check these childrenrs body perception leveI, every 2 months. In the last month of study it was applyed the HFT to another group of children with the same characteristics and ages who did not receive any physical education classes interference. We analysed the results in two ways; in the first one we noticed the 1st group performance in the pre and pos-test. In the pos test we see a better occurrence of the body items in the HFT, null with a significance leveI = 0, which did not accept the hypotesis. In the second way we compared the pos-test results (1st group), wi th the information gotten with the 2nd group. We could notice that there was a better body perception among the first children, indicating by the median test a significance <0,1%, also refusing Ho. The results gave us evidences contribution of the physical education in that the there was a first group childrenrs body perception. They also indicated that the variants like age and biological maturity had little influence in this developrnent as between the two groups the performance of the children who had physical education classes was superior. We also noticed that it is possible to give physical education classes in the pre-school age if it is integrated with the school and if it has as a porpose to stimulate the children s body perception


educação fisica (pre-escolar) educação fisica - estudo e ensino

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