Business Process Management (BPM) and Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) integration: The percption of information tecnology professionals about the concepts and use on the market. / Integração do Business Process Management (BPM) com Service Oriented Architecture (SOA): A percepção de profissionais de TI sobre os conceitos e a utilização no mercado.




This work intends to analyze if the information technology is a tool that supports the management of process on business, by analyzing itself integration through the Service Oriented Architecture (SOA), enabling the Business Process Management (BPM). For a field research was done a survey Questionnaire addressing the BPM and SOA concepts and the integration between them. The survey was responded exclusively by IT professionals and was looking to explain the follow questions:The IT professionals know and/or uses the Business Process Management and the Service Oriented Architecture? They know the integration relation between the two concepts? This is an available solution nowadays for integrating the business process with the information technology? Until where the enterprises and their professionals are ready to use then? The main results show that by the IT professionals perception, the concept is very consolidated between the professionals accordingly with their experience time on the market. Also was cleared that they still dont have enough conceptual maturity for the plenty use of the tools and the softwares still not support in a completely way the solutions neither for SOA nor for BPM.


process management processos gestão bpm tecnologia da informação soa information technology administracao

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