Atividade antinociceptiva do oleo das sementes de Pterodon pubescens Benth. (Leguminosaes-Papilionoidea) / Pterodon pubescens Benth. Seed s oil antinociceptive activity




Pterodon pubescens Benth. (Pterodon emarginatus Vog.), is found throughout central and southeast Brazil. Folk medicine has employed this species, for pain relieve, anti-inflammatory, analgesic (sorethroat and back pain) , tonic and depurative. Studies have demonstrated the analgesic activity of crude P. pubescens alcoholic extracts (ethanolic and hydroalcoolic extracts). This work evaluated the antinociceptive activity of crude dichloromethane seed?s extracts (EB) in three pharmacological assays( induced abdominal constriction by acetic acid, hot plate test and formalin test). Bioassay guided purification of EB permitted identification of the most active fractions. The resulting fractions HS3 and HS4 were the most active in the experimental models tested. Both most active fractions, HS3 and HS4, displayed the presence of furan diterpen 6a - hydroxi, 7? - acetoxivouacapan previously demonstrated to exhibite anti-inflammatory activity. Evaluation of fraction HS6, free of 6a - hydroxi, 7? - acetoxivouacapan, maintained the antinociceptive activity when evaluated on induced abdominal contortions; hot plate test and capsaicin in mice experimental models suggesting either peripheral and central pharmacological mechanisms. These assays also demonstrated that the antinociceptive activity has no relationship with opioid receptors. Sequent studies will be undertaken to determine the antinociceptive activity pharmacological mechanisms of Pterodon pubescens Benth. crude dichloromethane seed?s extract


produtos naturais natural products extraction extração

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