As relações de poder em rede do terceiro setor: um estudo de caso




Well-grounded in communication advancement and as an increase of action of civil society in search of its goals, network structures have a tendency to increase their field of action. In particular, the reticulation of welfare and education fostering brings new perspective and challenges to the acting entities in the third sector, mainly in its social commitment, in its relationship with the government, and in the bonds among such entities. The current research is a case study where power relationships in a reticular structure of non-profitable organizations aimed at children and youth education are analyzed. Fifty and seven entities with two hundred and forty eight unities compose this network. The project attempts to evaluate to what extent the power concentration and the nucleation at a central actor can be a relevant factor to maintain the networks structural integrity. The Social Network Analysis, which is a diagnostic tool, was used as a methodology for the identification and understanding of the ties that binds such organizations. Scenarios are aligned to compare the mapped network in research and a hypothetical network without the agglutinated actor. Then, power concentration measures for each of the scenarios were computed and compared. The research was concluded identifying that the network was reasonably decentralized and had a low level of total power, but it had clusters which concentrate power and elements that may fragment the network as well as the evaluation of the importance of the central actor and the mensuration of the impacts of its exclusion in the other actors


power relationship terceiro setor administracao relações de poder descentralização associacoes sem fins lucrativos redes de relacoes sociais decentralization third sector social networks descentralizacao na administracao redes sociais

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