As micotoxinas e a segurança alimentar na soja armazenada. / Micotoxins and food safety in soybeans storage.


Brazilian Journal of Food Technology




Micotoxins are an important contaminant on grains mainly on the impurities which coming with from the field during harvesting. Samples of soybean grain and their impurities were taken at reception of storage unit, during storage period and at delevering to industries for processing at a Grain Stored Unit located at north of Parana State 2008/2009 crop season. The mycotoxins evaluated at Analytical Laboratory Mycotoxicological (LAMIC in Santa Maria/ RS) were: aflotoxins (B1, B2, G1, G2), deoxynivalenol, nivalenol, ochratoxin, A and zearalenone. Results showed that soybean grains when stored properly have low occurence of mycotoxins. The major source of contamination by aflatoxin and zearalenone were impurities allowed at a rate of 1% by Brazilian legislation. The legislation should be amended and adopted the zero limit of impurities in the stage of shipment in order to ensure a safe food in soybean chain.


armazenagem de grãos armazenamento soja segurança alimentar grão toxina storage conditions soybeans storage quality food preservation food security food grains

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