As inserções parentéticas e as digressões na fala de idosos


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The text treats, in a literal-interactive perspective, of the procedures of deactivate (parenthetic insertions and digressions), in the plan of the topic, in dialogues produced by the NURC, in the speech of elders. The study have with theoretical base the principles of the Pragmatic, of the literal Analysis of the Conversation, in an literal-interactive perspective, gifts in the works of Galembeck, Marcuschi, Fávero, Jubran, Andrade, in the adoption of the empiricistinductive method and under the postulates of the functional Grammar. The research searches qualitative descriptions and interpretations, but it is in the frequency of the data and the probability of the occurrences of the same ones (quantitative analyses) that they corroborate the results. We will start from the occurrences obtained in real situation of use of language and analyzes them from a series of variables. In the parenthesis, the variables concern: the relevance (topical, announcer, interlocutor, act of communication), kind of structure (conversational marker, nominal sintagma, complex phrases, simple phrases, adjacent pair), position in him enunciated (half, end), functions (exemplification, explanation, indication of unfamiliarity of the topic, evoke knowledge shared of the topic). Already the digressions will be classified as regards the kind (logical experiential, incidental interpersonal, rhetorical didactic); as regards the function (interactions and ideacionais to be included the discursive markers of introduction and resumption of the digression); as regards the final (context of facts, interactive). As regards the facts obtained regarding the digression, stayed sharp the predominance of digression logical-experiential illustrative due to the dynamic character of the interaction. The subjects bring for the moment something shown up in the previous topic, changes the focus of the assembly of relevance topical for another marginally located. However, in the inquiry D2, due to the relation more near, brothers, there is an occurrence, also, elevated of rhetorical digression explanatory teaching methodology. It see the design elevated of clear, illustrate him said for that the subject remain aware and participant in the act conversational. In the given relative to the parenthetic insertions there is a difference between the inquiry D2 396 and the DID 317, in the characterization "formal", this is, in the given we have in the inquiry D2 396 the predominance of parenthesis with focus in the topic. Already, in the inquiry DID 317, the predominance of parenthesis with focus in the announcer due to the kind of inquiry, the subject to tend it come back the facts for itself ego-involvement. However, when we analyze the function of those parentheses, we perceive that 90% of the cases centred in the topic (matter), come back itself for the announcer in order to clear, set out the topic. Of that way, so much the digression, as the insertion bring the vivacity to the textual game and permits a bigger involvement of the participants in the interactive act.


análise do discurso idosos - linguagem discourse analysis

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