Funções metaenunciativas das inserções parenteticas




In our current research, the subject of parenthetic insertions is studied from an enunciative point of view. The basic theme of our study involves a reinterpretation of the subject of parenthetic insertions, emphasizing two aspects: a characterization of these expressions as elements that, revealing the Other in the sequence of the discourse, constitute a form of demonstrated heterogeneity, and a description of the meta-enunciative functions employed by these expressions. A characterization of the insertions as an indication of demonstrated heterogeneity is based, on one hand, on a reinterpretation properly grounded in the intuitions that deal with the enunciative nature of these linguistic structures in three modalities of studies: normative grammar, descriptive grammar and textual linguistics; and, on the other hand, in the concept of enunciative heterogeneity elaborated by Authier-Revuz. A description of the meta-enunciative figures that characterize the parenthetic insertions, in turn, is realized taking into account the heterogeneity that traverses subject, discourse and meaning.


analise do discurso subjetividade

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