As influências da aprendizagem individual e grupal na aprendizagem organizacional




Todays competitive business environment requires companies to change at a quick pace and in this scenario, organizational learning achieves a significant role as a tool designed to ensure companies can achieve differentiated performance compared to their competitors. As a result, organizational players are aware that the differential to be targeted is to understand the learning processes taking place at an individual, team and organizational level. By understanding these learning processes, they can manage them so that people and organizations can benefit from this approach. This paper seeks to identify the influences from Individual Learning both for Team and Organizational Learning and how Team Learning influences Organizational Learning to understand how learning takes place throughout an organization. Our investigation has a quantitative approach, using the Partial Least Squares (PLS) methodology software Smart PLS2.0 M3, in four companies operating in the Brazilian market and different business segments, ranging from health care through services to automakers. Results from our investigation show that Individual Learning influences both Team Learning and Organizational Learning, just as Team Learning influences Organizational Learning, while having specific differences in each company, even for those operating in the same business segment.


administracao competitividade negócios em mercados turbulentos competitiveness team learning individual learning aprendizagem organizacional aprendizagem grupal organizational learning aprendizagem individual turbulent business environment

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