As analogias como instrumentos úteis para o ensino do conteúdo químico no Nível médio. / Analogies as useful tools for teaching chemical content at the Secondary school




The need of the analogy in the process teaching-learning is a theme hardly studied by many authors, although there are some limits within its application. The present work, inside a qualitative research, that seeks to verify how useful the analogies in the process of teaching-learning of the chemical contents are, had a major purpose: show in which way teachers use the analogical method in their explanations about atomic models. This study was realized with three chemistry teachers of a public school in the city of Belém. The main results aim for many difficulties of the teachers within the production and performing of analogies, what seems to be very tightening linked with the lack of knowledge themselves own about their students, so they badly choose the analogies for use in the classroom, then these procedures become not very useful.


ensino-aprendizagem outros prática de ensino analogias chemistry - study and teaching atomic model. teaching-learning analogia education, secondary analogies analogy química - estudo e ensino ensino médio modelo atômico. student teaching

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