ART AND IMAGINATION IN EDUCATION: an analysis of artistic images of the group of art school Community Nossa Senhora da Conceição / ARTE E IMAGINÁRIO NA EDUCAÇÃO: uma análise das imagens artísticas do grupo de arte da escola comunitária Nossa Senhora da Conceição




Study about art and imagination in a school community called Nossa Senhora da Conceição School. It is located in Cidade Olímpica district in São Luís - Maranhão. The research subjects are seven members from the school art group called Pintando o sete ("Painting the Seven") which is composed by 10 teenagers from 10 to 15 years old. The group has as general goal to map the images (symbols) that permeate the artistic imagination of the school art group and to establish correlations between theoretical concepts, and its objectifications and functional features. The specific objectives are: the characterization of iconoclasmo process and the imaginary resistance in Western society and their implications to school education, the theoretical analysis of schools community and art in this kind of schools in some of its aspects; mapping images (symbols) in the school community and grasping the artistic imagination of the members from Pintando o sete group. This is a comparative study between artistic compositions made by research subjects in 2006, when they participated in an art workshop, in 2008 when they answered a questionnaire to carry out survey images. The approach is in symbolic perspective in order to reveal latent issues. We adopted as the main theoretical basis Gilbert Durands studies with its isotopic classification and images Schemes and authors like Martine Joly (2005), Gilberto Dimenstein (2004), Ernst Gombrich (1995), Herder Lexikon (1990), Viktor Lowenfeld (1970) and Gastón Bachelard (1998) that supply basic orientations related to images. Through the survey and analysis of the graphics compositions mapped in research, we can notice that there is the dominance and relevance of daytime images, marked by the presence of a constellation of ascended images associated to art idea as a means to rise and having public visibility.


educação escola comunitária imaginary imaginário school community education art arte psicologia educacional

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