Argamassa tÃrmica produzida com resÃduos da explotaÃÃo e processamento mineral de caulim e vermiculita expandid




In the last years, mining industry has been mentioned as pollutant sources of the environment, as in case of the kaolin. The pollution occurs due to the great amount of discarded materials (rejects) in the mineral processing and in the ore extraction. These rejects are frequently deposited in the ecosystem without improvement near by the processing plant However, these rejets can be processed to separate the minerals that compose it, constituted basically of quartz, feldspt, kaolin, micas and metallic minerals in the proportions lower than 1%. Other alternative to take advantage of these rejectos is the direct use in the production of covering mortars. The addition of the vermiculite results in a mass with thermo properties. Besides of these characteristics of kaolin contained in the rejects it can reduce the cement consumption in the mass production. The civil construction looks for the use of these materials, principally when there are problems in the constructions due to the excess of heat, provoked by the solar radiation. Beside of this factor there are other problems that can be provoked by the direct incidence of the solar radiation as the case of fissures and trines in the constructive elements, due to the high thermal dilation suffered by the masses. Furthermore, other variables exist such as the acoustic discomfort generated in the urban center as noise generated by the traffic of vehicles in the metropolises. The present work aimed to evaluate the potential use of residues of the kaolin improvement generated by the mines of the Seridà Region in the State of ParaÃba, associate to vermiculita, in the order to produce the mortars with term insulating characteristics with reduction of the cement consumption. The kaolin was characterized through the X-ray analysis, rehearsals of adherence, resistance to the simple compression, traction in the flexing and the improvement of the blocks isolation was determined by laser thermometer. The results evidenced that the residues show great potentialities for use in the building construction industry


caulim mining vermiculita vermiculite kaolin mortars argamassas engenharia de minas mineraÃÃo clay argilas

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