Analysis of the structural behavior of a group of buildings built with resistant masonry submitted to the action of settlements / AnÃlise do comportamento estrutural de um conjunto de edifÃcios construÃdos com alvenaria resistente submetidos à aÃÃo de recalques




In the Metropolitan Area of Recife, there are about six thousand buildings with up to four storeys, made from resistant masonry. Approximately ten buildings of this type collapsed and serious pathological manifestations were verified in tens of others. In some of them there were fatal victims, as in the cases of Ãricka and Part B of Enseada of Serrambi buildings, in Olinda-PE. With the objective of analyzing the behavior of this type of structure when subjected to the action of differential settlements, a study of the increment of stress caused by this action was made in the walls. Were analyzed residential buildings with four stories, âboxâ type, in resistant masonry. Each one of the blocks has standard architecture made of two main planes linked by the stairways, with four apartments in each level. The pile caps, located over Franki type piles, are linked by baldrame beams receiving the loads coming of the several stories. The lengths of the piles are within 7,0 and 8,0m. The maximum total settlements measured are about 25 cm, and the differential settlements are about 24cm, causing an approximate distortion of 12 â. The numeric analysis was performed using computer software based on the finite elements method. The structures were modeled with shell element for the walls and frame element for the ribs of slabs with truss beam. The Settlements were imposed to the modeled structures in an incremental way, with variation from 10% up to 100% of the total settlement in each support. The analysis allowed to determine, in different phases, the state of stress in any part of the structure and to plot the damages caused by the settlement. The results were checked through measurement in the buildings with the purpose of confirming the values obtained with the computer program analysis


engenharia civil alvenaria resistente settlements in masonry tensÃes em alvenaria settlements stress in masonry resistant masonry recalques em alvenaria recalques

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