Análise dos efeitos de um programa de intervenção psicológica nos índices de stress, ansiedade e depressão em idosos fisicamente ativos




World Health Organization defines the term Quality of Life (QOL) as a search for harmony on the physical, psychological and social aspects. It is the absence of certain symptoms and/or behaviors that can interfere on the adaptation of a person to a new situation. This adaptation process happens in a more abrupt way when comparing elderly with youths. It is perceived in Brazil a lack of attention to the QL of elderly, at the same time that this population is in a progressive increase. The aim of this study was to analyze the effects of a psychological intervention program on the QL of elderly physically active individuals, through the levels of stress, depression and anxiety. The study also compared the results with groups of sedentary people. The Beck Inventory was utilized for depression and anxiety. An inventory of stress symptoms was also used. The psychological program was elaborated according to the test results and consisted of 20 sessions, when the tests were reapplied and a follow up application one month after. The sample was composed of 60 voluntary people distributed in experimental, control and placebo group. Significant improvement was found on the active group that received psychological support. On the placebo and control group (both active) that had no psychological support the alterations were low. On the sedentary group and on the group without intervention there were no significant alterations on the results. We can conclude that the regular practice of physical activity combined with psychological support brings important benefits for the QOL of elderly people more than when worked separated. It confirms the need of a permanent program utilizing a bio-psycho-social approach.


educação física teses. qualidade de vida teses. idosos teses. esportes aspectos psicológicos teses.

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