Análise do processo de formação de estratégias de marketing no jornal Correio da Paraíba


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The main objective that motivated this research was to analyze the formation process of marketing strategies in the newspaper Correio da Paraiba in the period from 1991 to 2010. The research sets a qualitative kind, descriptive and is a single case study. The research scenario was the newspaper Correio da Paraiba, which covered six interviewed, three from top management (CEO, superintendent and executive director) and three from mid-level directors (marketing director, commercial director and managing editor). In the data collection was mainly used the semi-structured interview technique, as well as direct observation. The interviews were recorded and later transcribed for qualitative data analysis and the observations were made through field notes. Data analysis involved the description and interpretation of different aspects of the phenomenon investigated. Four critical events and strategic phases of the newspaper were identified. The results said that the context alternated moments of external and internal turbulence. Over the period studied, strategic changes were identified, mostly, due to the action of the external environment factors, such as politics, economy and society, as well as an adaptive cycle due to the advent of a new technology. It was realized that the constant adjustment of marketing strategies to external factors, as a response to threats, the newspaper featured into a reactive company. Internally, there was a change in power relations, where it had previously isolated groups who did not share ideas and information, now there is integration with a goal of a greater good, the newspaper. It was confirmed the essential role of leaders where, in a first moment, there was the superintendent forming strategies and making decisions. Later there was the division of power between the superintendent and the executive director, where both gave autonomy to the mid-level boards form their own strategies for their respective divisions, since they were aligned with the general directives of the top management. Marketing strategies have been identified in order to launch new products, segmenting them, place them and promote their sales. Because this is the business area that keeps the contact between the company and the external environment, something perceived by the leadership of the newspaper, marketing has grown in importance and many of these strategies that added for the company to become market leader, were created by the department. It was observed that the mode of formation of the marketing strategies of the newspaper occurred in two stages, and in the first half of the researched time was the entrepreneurial type and the second half was the umbrella and imposed types. Contributions of this study: it is important to have an understanding on the part of the managers about the internal and external context in which they are inserted, because they can guide the organization to obtain or maintain competitive advantage; the managers participation in the management of internal conflicts is critical to business success; the expansion of knowledge about the strategy formation process is a source of competitive advantage, because only the very organization known as the competence of its people and their own capabilities are interrelated and, consequently, is more difficult for competitors trying to play things inherent to each company.


processo de formação de estratégia estratégia de marketing contexto mudança estratégica jornal administracao strategy formation process marketing strategy environment strategic change newspaper

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