Estratégias discursivas dos telejornais de Moçambique: análise crítica do Jornal Nacional e do Jornal da Noite




This research investigates the discourse strategies built by news programmes: Jornal Nacional and Jornal da Noite, public and private networks of Mozambique, respectively, that enables the establishment of the media contracts between the broadcasting channels and viewers. The notion of media-contract is broadly understood as the relationship of trust and confidence that is subtly created between enunciator and viewer while protagonists of the discourse. The research is based on the theorical concept of Norman Fairclough, Ernesto Laclau and Chantal Mouffe whose approaches defend the thesis the discourse must be understood in its context of source because the meaning of any text does not lie only on what the enunciator says or on the perception of the viewer but on the relationship that is established between these two instances of the enunciation and the context in which they are inserted. Under these circunstances, the research dissects the notion of discourse, from the point of view of its persuasive capacity and its intrinsic relationship with the ideological concepts and supremacy that influence the relationship of agents of discourse that, many times, become multipliers of power structures. The corpus analised structure is formed with editions of Jornal Nacional and Jornal da Noite recorded in the week from 8th to 16th April-2006. For the analysis, we adopted the televisional approach sustained by Arlindo Machado (2003), Beatriz Beeker (2005) and by other television researchers, besides counting on some elements of discursive semiotic


discurso discourse television comunicacao televisao -- mocambique ideology mozambique ideologia politica television news telejornalismo -- mocambique moçambique

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