História das idéias lingüísticas: a construção da nova imagem política do Brasil no jornal Correio Braziliense




The beginning of the press in Brazil has started, in fact, at 1808, meaning an important historical event for a country whitch was in a need of information. For this reasonJ we choose as a researchs object the Correio Braziliense newspaper, wrote by fue journalist Hipólito José da Costa, following the theoricaI principles of the History of the Linguistic ldeas proposed by Sylvain Auroux, Eni Orlandi and Fávero and Molina. Targeting the corpus, we have selected seventeen articles written by the redactor, at 1822, that show bis gradative change of mind about the United Kingdom Brazil, Portugal and Algarve for the defense of the Brazil s independence, representing the brazilian s voice that wasn t accepting to be subjected by the portuguese kingdom. Four more articles were included, only to introduce the global context of fight (between the absolutists and the liberals ideals) that have influenced the Brazil. The analysis of the articles external (historic-social facts) and internal (linguistic marks) dimensions ratify the proposal of the Historyof the Linguistic ideas, since such texts are characteristics of an epoch and through them it was possible to describe and interpret their metalinguistic intrinsical knowledge, in order to we understand their textual meanings. Thege knowledges, that was in a changing process at the time, are referred to politics and economy, both leaving to be absolutistics to become liberalists, to iluminist philosophy, defender af the individual freedom and to the society which demands iguality of rights and dutys. About the linguistic knowledge, we have studied the portuguese language of the begining of the XIX century present at the newspaper, consulting the most studied portuguese grammars of the epoch written at XVIII century, ratifying that Hipólito José da Costa obbeyed the usual roles of grammar at his time. Ou the whole, we consider that the principles of the History of Linguistic ldeas have allowed the analisys of the corpus, offering a new way of reading ancient texts


correio braziliense (jornal) -- critica e interpretacao lingua portuguesa

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